I'm starting a new website. Getting tired of my php site.
I noticed my school is behind compared to other schools. I plan on getting us up to speed, while at the same time learning as much as possible. The end goal is making a rocket that can compete with waterloo's borealis. If all goes right, we'd launch it at LC 2026. This year (LC 2025), the goal is to make a mojave spinx esque rocket. I'm going to start off with recovery, and avionics. The reason being, is that it is possible to launch the same avionics in a 4 inch diameter kit rocket, that we could use in a mojave sphinx. The recovery system will be almost the exact same.
The first thing I'm gonna do is make a very simple board in Altium. It will have the rp 2040, a usbc port, flash, a LED, reset button, pin out, USB over current protection, a barometer and an accelerometer. It'll be a bit better than a pico.